I think thas what the for sale section is for....

or then again it might be for martians wishing to communicate wiv each other in their attempts to tek over the world

No its for feckin putting adverts in
if yer can't spill yer wanna keep yer ad short otherwise you run the risk of looking a ****. more so when you say you've renewed yer universal joint joints
FOUR FKN GRAND? For that? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! You have GOT to be joking!

An old 90 wiv a Tdi stuffed in it, 12 previous owners and a bit of chequer plate, and you want four fkn grand for it?
'Off road read'? It's a fkn LR, of course it's off road ready. I would put good money on it being a thrashed crock of **** on it's last legs being flogged by a total chancer in the hope he can get to jump his Doris agin.

Four grand, hahahahahaa ahah a aha a aha ahahaaa ahah aahahah aahaha a aha ahahah ahaaha a hha aaah ahahahahaa ahaha h. Ah, thas better.

Anyway, teach yer to put yer tatty little links to yer ebay joke scam chancer ad on the general forum wunt it.
Fook me i'll buy yer series......shovel 9 quid, walnut 9p divide by 3. reet thas just over 3 quid for your series then
Er, it had a certain 'trinsic value before tarting it up yer know, an' anyways, feck orf, s'mine. :D

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