New Member
Private buyer looking for TD5 auto with reasonable mileage at a sensible price around £5k - £8k.
sensible mileage with 5 to 8k.!!!!!! The best ones start at 10k, or you're looking at galactic mileage motors, or TD5's with little or no service history. I paid 10k for my 2001 TD5 auto, with the dvd system thrown in, only had 29,000 on the clock with 1 owner with a service record of a major service every year.

All I can advise is the TD5 is the mutts, but check it well, very well. Got to be inspected, and good luck. With you're money range the 300 series is much better for you
Why do people sprout absolute bollixs and parade it as fact Ok I can understand it if it's an obscure topic that no oneelse is likely to know the answer too but on a subject like vehicle pricing that a quick internet search will turn up the answer your just leaving your self open to abuse

Check this out for writeups and valuations http://www.whatcar.com/valuation-summary.aspx?MA=19&MV=23506&ED=4146&UP=1722099&ML=80000.

£5k to £8k is about what the markets moving at right now. A friend was offerred a T plate (99) 5dr 5 seat, td5 auto FSH for £6250 in mint condition with all the whistles and bells.
To throw my two cents in ... I recently bought a 2001 TD5 GS, 55k miles manual for £7k off ebay. Got RAC to do the indepth inspection (as I was sitting in Tanzania when buying it) and it is 100%.

The deals are out there just a matter of finding the right one ...
sensible mileage with 5 to 8k.!!!!!! The best ones start at 10k, or you're looking at galactic mileage motors, or TD5's with little or no service history. I paid 10k for my 2001 TD5 auto, with the dvd system thrown in, only had 29,000 on the clock with 1 owner with a service record of a major service every year.

All I can advise is the TD5 is the mutts, but check it well, very well. Got to be inspected, and good luck. With you're money range the 300 series is much better for you

Edf you should get a good motor for 5-8k.When you trade on give jcbdigger1970 first refusal,I wish he was around when I sold my Tdi ;) Mind you I traded on with my TD5 and I have seen the light, Toyota Landcruiser Amazon :eek: now that is worth 50k.:D

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