
New Member
Right, my disco has started overheating but I've not let the needle get to the top of the gauge or into the red before stopping and getting towed home by the ever so efficient AA.

The AA pressure tested the water tank and said it was losing pressure somewhere and then diagnosed it as having "an internal engine fault", which he said was their way of saying "suspected cylinder head".

Since the tow home, the car has sat outside my house and now there is oil pouring out of it on the passenger side right at the front of the engine. Some of it is pouring over the front of the lower part of the bumper.

I'm no mechanic but don't want to get ripped off by anyone. I live on the Wirral and have been advised of a garage that will skim the head and pressure test it for around £35, with the gasket set costing around £25 on ebay. I just need a price now for the actual dismantling of the head and putting it back together.

What should I be looking at for a reasonable complete cost for all this and what could the oil leak be?

Sorry to hear that this forum was right :-(

Isn't it possible to have a chat with the seller?

I know from your previous messages it was sold with this fault but it wasn't explained to you. Sale of Goods Act etc etc...
Doing the job isn't to bad on the diesel engine. It all depends on wether or not the head is cracked,hence the pressure test. If i was to quote for the job then i look at £200 all in. Test,head set and rebuild.
But thats just my prices.
Id at least be asking for a contribution from the vendor.But remember to bid high - ask for more than you are prepared to settle for then you can both come away feeling like you got a result.Its not a bugger of a job but if you dont know what you are looking at it could be a problem deciding just what damage there is.Theres been a lot said about NOT skimming 300tdi heads,many people choose to use the thickest head gasket available,so long as there is no twisting or surface damage.You could take the head off yourself and scrub it clean with nylon pot scourers and paraffin,then get it pressure tested if you are still unsure.If you do go this route dont be in a hurry to take the old gasket off - look closely at the head and gasket for visible signs of leakage from one opening to another,also look for the number of notches in the edge of the gasket,they tell you the thickness.On these generally 1 to 4 .Do the same visual check on the surface of the block,this will help you to assess what the problem and damage is and therefore whether you heed a thick gasket,a skim or (groan) a new head.

Have you got anyone nearby who could come and look and give you some advice?

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