Tubal Cain

New Member
I know this is going to sound like a daft question, so I'm braced for the flak :)
I've bought new aperture seals for my second row doors; one was a bit chewed up by a knackered hinge, both are showing signs of disintegrating.

My question is this - are they held on with an adhesive or just coaxed into place with a shot hammer? Years ago I replaced door seals on a cortina, in those days we used to stick them on with hair spray. Current (falling off) one appears to be held on with some white gunk. The LR Workshop manual (helpfully) does not even mention them at all.
Thanks Guys
I know this is going to sound like a daft question, so I'm braced for the flak :)
I've bought new aperture seals for my second row doors; one was a bit chewed up by a knackered hinge, both are showing signs of disintegrating.

My question is this - are they held on with an adhesive or just coaxed into place with a shot hammer? Years ago I replaced door seals on a cortina, in those days we used to stick them on with hair spray. Current (falling off) one appears to be held on with some white gunk. The LR Workshop manual (helpfully) does not even mention them at all.
Thanks Guys
I put mine on with a shot hammer, but should I replace them I’ll maybe apply double sided tape to the profile in sits on. I’m told warming the seals slightly encourages them to follow any tight angles etc speshurly on the front door seals.
Brilliant, thanks for letting me know - double sided tape it is. And thanks for the tip about warming them!

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