
Space man
well me and pikey changed the head gasket on the old 2 1/4 petrol ...which lasted 2 weeks ! Then changed it again with a composite which lasted a month ! New ( to me ) engine lasted a year and about 2 1/2 k before the HG failed :mad::mad::mad:

anyone got a spare petrol or 200tdi ??


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You don't have much luck-is this the two stroke version or different one?

was it skimmed and tested or slapped back together?
See cheap disco's do come up, like that one Darren thought was gold plated and then ended up selling for less to pikey or a perkins prima is another option.

Problem is scrap has gone down, £110 last time I checked-but the dreamers still think a pile of **** is worth decent money.

Another mate of mine wanted a 200tdi- locally they wanted £350- Wales he picked one up for £200 plus travelling.
and I got 9 on a bad day:rolleyes: given matey a kick up arse at machine shop-want my quad cam going sooner rather than later

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