
New Member
I want to install a second battery to my 110 in order to run extra lighting, 12v fridge and a few other bits and pieces. BUT, I am not running a winch (and am unlikely to in the life of the battery), so do I really need a v heavy duty deep cycle like Optima Red top, or could I get by with a cheaper option.

Any recomendations?


pretty sure you dont need a deep cycle to be honest. these are only good when you drain them and recharge. if your running a good split charge system and you know what oyur doing, you shouldnt need to worry about draining batts. X eng are doing a good batt at the mo. you can buy 2 of them and the split charge for a good price. they also do the batts single'y...

just get a higher ampage one that will still fit in the batt box.

I use a normal car battery for running my hot water urn, fridge, lights, compressor, invertor, etc. I also have a winch fitted but as yet have not needed a deep cycle battery.
Nah. Thems had dynamo's. Batterys wunt invented then. I woulda thought you wud know that cos they is more your era.;)
I already got a 100 amp battery that fit next to my 110. I can't find a switch that will let me choose between A,B or both.

It should look like this in the end


This is the switch I'm looking for. Any ideas where I could pick one up?


both UJ's fitted and greased. Allpainted and looks betta than new. Just gotta remember how to fit the splined bits back together. Cleverly i took photos, before I dismantled it. Not so cleverly the batteries in my camera have gone flat, so I cant see the pics i took:eek:.
well atleast you had your camera to hand !!!!!!!!! are you on schedule for sunday me and ratty are going ...... what about grippa ???

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