
New Member
ok I know you have to search threads for items you want to know about ... but .. I feel the search thingy on here is just a bit too general in its searches .. So im not a computer geek , I hate computers in fact , I cant work them , don't really want to use them yet obviously I have to .. after reading dozens of posts about various things that I thought would be related to the problem with my landy I still cant find the same problem that ive got in any of them . Yes I agree that I and others have to search before posting up a question BUT I find it really really annoying when a smart arse says the forum ! I HAVE searched the damn forums and cant find what im looking for so am I supposed to just sit and be quiet ? :mad:
I don't care how experienced you are of repairing landrovers , some of us are new to them and need the help and encouragement from people that know the ins and outs ... if having a landrover means im going to turn into an obnoxious git then I will sell up now :violin:
we all have to start somewhere ,, and I myself have rebuilt from scratcha Daimler ferret , a cvrt striker and a cvrw fox ,, no experience or manuals and certainly no-one on sites like this to ask how to do something so im no idiot , I can do stuff ... ifsomeone asked me how to do something I wouldn't get into the web mode ..
there seems to be an awful lot of people asking questions to be told to search the site .. does that mean the search thing is too difficult to use or its just rubbish and you end up reading through hours of posts that you then find out are absolutely nothing to do with what you are searching for just that it had a word relating to it in it ?
come on guys I know im ranting and I don't usually do this but all I see all over the site is replies from experienced people saying search the site .. if you don't want to help out then don't reply at all eh ;-)
Rant over and expecting to get blocked or banned or something now :(

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