johnny curt 1

Well-Known Member
has anyone got a clue what ive done here

ive fitted the new second hand fuel distribiutor pump to the bastid 10j taking notes and setting evrything as per the manual and any information i can find on this subject

today ive tried firing the bugger up after spending the last 2 days trying to get all the air out of the fuel system and it went ( like the fekkin clappers ) at absolute flat out revs with no signs of slowing down pulled the stop lever and it slowed down a little but carried on

in the end i shoved a tennis ball in the air intake fannymould and starved the fekker to death

it has to be the pump as it ran perfect with the old one on exept for loads of smoke and the only thing ive done is fit this pump

have i missed something or is it set internally totaly wrong more to the point is it possible for this to happen if ive got the spline for the rev lever 180 degrees out would this cause the warp speed running

darent not start it again till i get a sensible answer or suggestion so come on boys n gurls this has really sent me up the fookin wall this time
It is possible for the pump internals to get jammed !! Usualy when the pump has been dry stored for a period of time!! The shiny bits inside go rusty real quick!! I've had a couple the same , both times had to get new pump distributor !!! Only buy one that has been stored with its pipes on and full of diesel or oil !!!! Beware dry injection parts !!!
It is possible for the pump internals to get jammed !! Usualy when the pump has been dry stored for a period of time!! The shiny bits inside go rusty real quick!! I've had a couple the same , both times had to get new pump distributor !!! Only buy one that has been stored with its pipes on and full of diesel or oil !!!! Beware dry injection parts !!!
Oh dear....
going into unchartered territory today im gonna remove the fekker for an internal inspection :eek::eek::rolleyes:

gonna need a walk for a tube of instant gasket first though
Is there a governor?
Also could the hand throttle be set too high? It'll be interesting finding out what it is
it wasnt the hand throttle coz i fired it up again today and got the same **** without the throttle connected to the pump so that idea was out the window ( just my luck its not that simple) :mad:

it was the governor it does have one and whats more its inside the fekkin pump :eek:

took the pump off the friggin engine and gripped it in the vice then removed the box cover off the side of the pump :pop2: and after removing the spring from the little lever inside that connects it to the governor lever and then back up to the pump master flow valve i noticed theres like a centrafeugal clutch underneith it all that gets pushed against this plate to reduce the fuel flow in the bottom intake valve
this paddle lever plate thing sits on a ring on top of these weights at the bottom of the shaft seen more clearley through the inspection hole on the side of the pump housing
this plate had worn out on one side and tilted in a way that it jammed in wide open throttle position against the edge of the ring holding evrything at full throttle

all i did was dismantle me old pump and replace this part with the good working condition one and have a bloody good fiddle about with it to see if i could within reason make the bugger jam again wich it wouldnt so its now back in one piece and being left overnight for the fuel proof instant gasket to take a propper hold for refitting and priming up tomorrow

lets see what happens with it this time and some pics to come on what ive done to come later tonight :D:D:D:D
Nice mate !! Not many would venture inside the pump!! Well done , hope it sorts it out !!! Some fancy gizmos in there eh!!!!
Nice mate !! Not many would venture inside the pump!! Well done , hope it sorts it out !!! Some fancy gizmos in there eh!!!!

not particularly it looked a lot to me remarkably like the air flow regulated governor that used to be on vertical lawnmower engines just with a couple of extra springs and moved by diesel instead of air

it all seems so basic and simple common sense in there that i cannot see how the hell these specialists can justify charging £200+ to recondition one when the actual bit that creates the mega pressure is nothing more than 2 slidey pannels in an offset cylinder with 1 inlet and 1 outlet :rolleyes::rolleyes:
As to the £200 they've got to make a living and you have to remember that its not just the work they do but the waiting for it, kit, etc etc

Still, glad I've got a petrol!

Good luck with it mate! Hope you get it runnin've got more patience than me I'd have given it a blast and screwed it all up with not quite set sealer!

I take my hat off to you sir! I wouldn't have had the balls to fiddle with the CAV. You deserve some good luck now. I hope she starts fine and runs well.
a video if all goes well would be fantastic so we can hear the beast in action.:D
did it smoke while it were doin it.....? :behindsofa:

only a clod till it hit top whack then not a whisp till i jammed the dogs rubber ball in the air intake to choke the fukker to death

and a little update

after spendingall morning doing the family thing i managed to get a little time to reinstall the bugger wich i got it in timed up again and throttle linkages set to the changes made it now sends out little amounts of fuel from the pipes till i press the go faster pedal and it sends ****loads out and back to little squeets when i let off the pedal again

back to the family thing again now and will resume efforts and hopefully fire the bugger up again tomorrow after having a look at someones friggin renault take****caso with the loud clunk under the pedals :confused::confused::confused:
there's no substitute for persistence. You must be due some good fortune soon Johnny.
reet thats it i give up its gone ape**** again so im gonna have to save me pennies and send the pump off to be reconditioned or re caliabrated so im fooked for another god knows how long now :(:(

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