
New Member
Hi everyone

Ive heard a few storys recentley about a few local motor spares dealers/scrap yards that are taking in landrovers from the scrappage scheme. Rather a lot of these have been defenders and a few td5 discos, they parked them up in the yard and took the wheels off and a few days later they were gone. Not broken down for parts and obviously not sold on as they are classed as CAT B ( break only ). Im not just talking about 1 or 2 gone since the scheme started im talking about a few hundred. I think there been replated and back on the market. About a year ago i took my old disco 200tdi to the local scrap yard as the engine blew up and it wud never have passed an m.o.t, anyway i took it in and handed the logbook over signed it as scrapped and collected my £200. When i heard this story about scrap yards and the scrappage scheme i ran a few checks on my old disco and you never guess what!. It wasnt down as scrapped but had no registerd keeper. So this confirms my suspicions that some of the landrovers that come in as scrap are not been marked down as scrapped and more than likely the i.d is going on a "scrappage scheme landrover" and being sold on
If I take an old disco or whatever to the scrapper I make sure there's nothing left on it that's any good. I also make them unload it with the grab so the body shell is smashed. I also send the v5 of to the dvla marked scrapped myself. I've seen a few discos on ebay that were listed as "must not be put back on the road due to scrappage scheme", but were complete vehicles.
i wish i did that now because somebody is more thank likely driving round with them plates on. the car is still in the scrap yard and theres nothing left of it now, not the same story for the i.d though

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