
New Member
Well, as usual, every year, I'm going to Scotland. Three weeks this time, 80% on, 20% off the road, all together arround 3000miles. Along the west coast, Oban, Fort William, Ullapool, up to Durness... then Thurso, back to the midlands then Inverness and back to Fort William. This year's plan is to conquer western and northern islands (Skye, Harris, Lewis etc. and Orkneys and Shetlands) Everything will depend on the trip budget. The plan is to stick as close as possible to the coast and to camp as far as possible off the road, so MT tyres may become handy form time to time due to the swampy crossings... as well as winch and anchor ;) Start date is set on 06 July 2008 and end sometimes around 25th. We're gonna sleep in prepared deffie 110 equipped with all necessary stuff, so stay'n'pay campsites are off the plan. Unfortunately the dates are not very flexible due to my employer's "go-back-to-work-asap-damn-it!" policy
If anybody may be interested just mail me...
Hey i would love to join some one whoi nos where there going and the ways a round but its to early. we are planning to go late august. can u give us any pointers. which maps to use. places to stay(off road) we intend to do as much off road as possible. we are going up the western side of scot. neather been befor and looking forward to it Ben
Here is short photo story from my first trip:


The only problem with Scotland is... :D ... that you're not allowed to go anywhere off the road. All the green lanes are closed to vehicular tourism.
But there are some spots, and places you can go through, or camp overnight.
Just be extra careful, it's very easy to get stuck. Soil is like swamp up there - everywhere (last year i had to pay 150pounds to recovery man to dig me out). If you decide to go off the road, do not make any ruts, drive carefully, do not destroy or damage any wild life, and you gonna be ok. Maybe you'd like to join us? There are two vehicles going already - it shall be great fun and adventure. I know places so wild, that you gonna be scared to stay overnight ;)
We're leaving Leeds at 6th of July for 2-3 weeks.
Good luck

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