Cause they copy everyone elses design make a **** job of copying them and then charge a fooking fortune for the ****e they're selling.
that company is without morals , and they try to fill yer ead with bull****e .... i will never again buy stuff off scrapiron as long as i live ....

never i tell ya .....
Went onto their stand at Billing and asked about extended bumpstops ......... quoted me £85 each!!!!! .......... robbing cnut then told me ......... "well they are gauranteed for life! .......... unless it breaks and falls off and gets lost" ........ fair enuff they were genuine POLYBUSH items but when u can get poly ones from Paddocks for about £7 who gives a fook ................ it's only a bump stop FFS!! :rolleyes:

Waffle board prices were through the roof too :mad:

I've heard about the copying thing before ........ they seem to like copying items from Equipe if memory serves ;)

Only good anyones had to say bout em was regarding their springs :p

They wont get my money :mad:
Ok money saving tips time for extended bump stops just buy a 2nd set of standard bump stops and use longer bolts. For Waffle boards See my thread "I've just upset devon4x4 All the waffle boards you buy in this country are floor gratings cut to size even the ones from the big suppliers So buy them off ebay for £30 a pair and you'll be getting a set of D4x4 or Scrapiron waffles for a fraction of the price, they'd charge you.
Ok money saving tips time for extended bump stops just buy a 2nd set of standard bump stops and use longer bolts. For Waffle boards See my thread "I've just upset devon4x4 All the waffle boards you buy in this country are floor gratings cut to size even the ones from the big suppliers So buy them off ebay for £30 a pair and you'll be getting a set of D4x4 or Scrapiron waffles for a fraction of the price, they'd charge you.

Nice one Red :D

Thanks :D :D
For Waffle boards See my thread "I've just upset devon4x4 All the waffle boards you buy in this country are floor gratings cut to size even the ones from the big suppliers So buy them off ebay for £30 a pair and you'll be getting a set of D4x4 or Scrapiron waffles for a fraction of the price, they'd charge you.
hmmm... good tip that PIkey!!:D:D we likes savin money, more for beer and other pointless bits! Buster has just persuaded me to get a turdo gauge in a spontaneous moment of wanting to spend £12!!
in a complete moment of stupidity i once ordered a pair of prop shafts fer me motor from scrapiron , and was asked for measurments which i gave them .... a few weeks later my props arrived and were both exactly the same size ... in other words both short back ones .... when i phoned them and enquired about it i was told by a so called expert that they should be like that and they were fine .... when i fitted them the back one was ok but the front was at full stretch just standing there , i phoned them back and was told i had ordered two back ones and that is what i'd got ...

the biggest bunch of cheats and liers i have ever come across , never in a million years will i ever buy anythin from them again ..... **** hole of a firm ..
Well it seems that Scorpion Racing of old are no more. I'm not surprised as the management simply didn't know what made the Land Rover fraternity tick. All Landy owners want is affordable quality service served with courtsey and respect. They don't give a damn if the garage the work is performed in isn't all glitzy. They just want a proper job done. Scorpion where over priced, arrogant and at times down right rude to clients and potential business partners. I only hope that Landy owners won't tar all garages with the same brush and continue to give their custom to those garages that give a genuine honest service. Hopefully Scorpion Racing's behaviour will not have damaged the reputation of independant Land Rover and Off road specialists too much.
After reading all the wonderful posts, I decided not to buy anything from them. Thanks guys

Who would you suggest as an alternative to them?
hmmm... good tip that PIkey!!:D:D we likes savin money, more for beer and other pointless bits! Buster has just persuaded me to get a turdo gauge in a spontaneous moment of wanting to spend £12!!

I want one, I want one, I want one i love gauges, where are they Oddy:D
got it off of fleabay, bout £18 i think (was so long ago i don['t think i've got the link anymore) but you should be able to find one - needs a 52mm aperture to go in the dash board. Too many gauges, not enough holes to put em in!!
got it off of fleabay, bout £18 i think (was so long ago i don['t think i've got the link anymore) but you should be able to find one - needs a 52mm aperture to go in the dash board. Too many gauges, not enough holes to put em in!!
Cheers Oddy, wher did you put it in yer dash:)
Cheers Oddy, wher did you put it in yer dash:)
Get yersel' a nice Mud dash and ye can have as many guages as ye like;) :D



ere buster, ya know them dashes, is there a gap down the sides where they fit into the top bit of the dash?? Where the wires are??


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