
New Member
Hi All
What does everyone think of all the scorpian racing products, whats the quality like on the suspension kits and such like? Would anyone recommend them or am i best to go looking at other stuff?
Any opinions

General consensus on here seems to be that they are overpriced tat from a company run by rude people who don't care about their customers.
yer mean they race scorpions with suspensions???
fook me....erd of racing mice n horses but never scorpions...
yu gorra herd of racing mice n horses? blurry eck, bru - how do ya saddle em?

wouldnt the horses always win?
i was just looking at there extreme suspension kit, thinking for my next project i mite try a v8 range rover, so just looking at similar stuff like that.
What is the scorpion racing rear bar for the disco 1 like ? I'm after a rear bar for mine and haven't found to many ( well not in AUS ) Any other company make a decent rear bar ?
hi i have had excellent sirvice from scorpion they are always willing to help and solve problems over the phone but i will agree they are over priced but products are good
Scorpion didn't look too great when they did that BMW for the long way round gang on the telly.
Nah don't think so just the support vehicles. They struggled to get it ready in time and then it kept breaking and they had to come out to fix it.
I called them to get a price on a ground anchor - they said they'd call me back but never did. Maybe if they advertised their prices... Ah, screw 'em I say!

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