B Yen

The idea of picture cell-phone was proposed on RDC/www.race-dezert.com
as a means for covering SCORE Laughlin in "real-time".

Well, just for the heck of it, I went to the Geiser Bro's OpenHouse on
Dec 17, with the intent of trying out these new-fangled camera/video
cell-phones myself (at the time, I had an ancient '02 era non

[ check out the video section, where you get some commentary by the Rick
Geiser on CUSTOM FABBING..laser cutting. Pirate 4x4'ers will like that ]

Did anyone see the recent CNBC/NBC coverage of the '04 Baja
1000..everyone's talking about it being a breakthrough in revealing "our
little wonder in the desert" (Ryan Arciero's quote to me). With

- Ryan's excellent showing on SpeedTV prior to the 'Mil
- Scott Steinberger's good personality/color commentary on TechTV for
the DARPA Challenge (btw, I know about the Caltech team & was following
their progress. I almost got hired by the Robotics Institute/CMU after
getting my degree in '84, they ran the Red Hummer)
- Kreg Donahoe's recent SpikeTV appearance
- good showing by Cameron Steele, Pete Sohren, Rick Geiser in the CNBC
3-part series (& summary)

I want to toss my hat-into-the-arena. I have some fairly impressivve
credentials, as far as media-credits for off-road racing & Baja travel.


I planned on just going to Laughlin like I did in '99 (on a 'song' with
help from George Seeley, Class 5 racer), & see what happens. Holy S*t,
this casual thing has now blossomed into a MONSTER. I figure if I don't
make a "hard push" (I believe in "Go Hard or Go Home"), then it's just a
drop-in-the-ocean..a waste-of-time. So, I'm approaching it as a "Proof
of Concept" or "Prototype". I REALLY want to test-out the idea by
RDC/race-dezert.com, see if it could lead to something bigger. Possibly,
the vehicle that takes un-marketed "out little wonder in the desert"
into the Internet demographic: WORLD-WIDE visibility.

We plan on 2 picture/video cell-phones running simultaneously, each
assigned to 2 data-streams:

[ main real-time URL, with links to the 2 data-stream URLS below.. ]


We've run tests, & it's pretty straightforward. Like I say, the wireless
technology is pretty stable. It's just up to systems integrators (like
us) to put it together.

Okay, I had a detailed discussion with Dominic Clark of SCORE, where he
knows that I'm not out-for-money, but "Proof of Concept". I'm not
selling the footage..just demonstrating that real-time content (Quantity
AND Quality) is achievable. (so I won't get charged licensing fee). I'll
also shoot with mini-DV camcorder & digital SLR camera (2 Canon 6Mpixel
cameras), & upload them the evening of all 4-days: Thu (contingency &
Laughlin Leap), Fri (contingency & Pit Competition), Sat & Sun (Class 5,
Class 1, Trophy Truck, Class 7/8/Protruck..maybe others too), Awards.

If things come off, it could be a great show for Internet users. That's
the PURPOSE of this post. Tell your friends (& tell them to tell their
friends, etc), so we get a good response. I've already had some
well-financed entities express future-interest, if the "marketing of
SCORE real-time webcasting" is successful. That might induce investment,
so that SCORE racing can expect a consistent presence on the Internet.
It could possibly be the "vehicle" that takes SCORE out of the "standard
model" (TV broadcast), & really generate revenue & public-interest. One
of the main reasons I'm doing this, is to CONTINUE the media-coup
established by Cameron Steele, Ryan Arciero, et al.

"Establish visibility (media presence)..AND MAINTAIN visibility (media

I just got an email from Chad Ragland to the effect "How else can I help
you?". I'm into this project into the thousands of dollars (establishing
new domain-name, new server hire, 2 new $400 camera/video phones, paying
a profesional picture-server..but MOSTLY my time/energy..I've been going
straight since Dec 10..20 hr days with no break for Xmas or New Years).
I need to recoup my costs, otherwise it's an incentive to quit after
Laughlin. (Remember that on-site video-editing project at Primm 300,
what was it..2002? Some professional video guy from Hollywood brought
photographers, van, video editors, ton of expensive equipment..&
produced a video shown at the Awards. One problem..HE DIDN'T PAY
HIMSELF! I.e., he didn't recoup his costs. Guess why he never came
back?). So, I'm not out for $$, just break-even to test "Proof of
Concept". If it flies, then interested parties

- other photographers/videographers (RDC staff included)
- other Internet technology guys (Pat Chicas/ORC with his satellite
- marketing guys
- money guys ("investment capitalists")

can come together & say: "Okay it works. Now all we have to do is do a
Technical Program & Business Program" Then, it could be a real "jump
start" for media coverage of SCORE races. Possibly lead SCORE into the
21st century.

For Pirate 4x4'ers, this might be an interesting "vehicle" to cover a
Rubicon Run. (is there cellphone coverage there?) Use real-time
pics/videos to make a "good showing" to the public, to combat the recent
negative publicity of the Spider Lakes incident. Just like SCORE is
fighting the "greens", rockcrawlers are in the same boat. Use live
webcasting to do your OWN media deal (instead of relying on the
"standard model" of newspapers & TV), in another words..become

So, if you like what you see then feel free to contribute to my fund.
(also spread the word on the website JumpLive.com, so people can check
out the real-time coverage). Like I say, it's more to help off-road
racing (& Rubicon'ers) & prove the initial concept by RDC. That way, I
don't get disillusioned & quit.

I'm pretty optimistic, that some good has to come out of it..
"Go for the Gusto, Go for the Overall"
-- Robby Gordon, SCORE off-road champion

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