
New Member
I want to learn how to weld. We have a workshop here with a 180 amp mig welder. And I've got a land rover with holes where they shouldn't be. However I want to learn how to make the two play together with me in the middle.

My dad can do bits but he hasn't got the time, I don't fancy going to the garage up the road as I want to keep my wallet somewhat un-violated.

Is there anybody who could show me how or even help me with some of the welding on my disco? Whilst showing me too? I feel awkward asking for help but I want to learn to do it right!

someone telling you will be a waste of time , just get 2 bit's of scrap metal roughly the same thickness of what you want to weld and go for it, the surfaces need to be clean , depending on what mig you have set it on power setting 3/4 , speed 4 / 5 keep the tip off about 5mm and squeeze the trigger and smoothly push away from you , don't pull !, the sound you want is said to be similar to sausages in a pan (cleechey), only you will get it right , if the gun pushes back , either feed to fast or not enough power , if your burning down to the tip all the time, power to high or not enough feed , only you will find out what is best for you
someone telling you will be a waste of time , just get 2 bit's of scrap metal roughly the same thickness of what you want to weld and go for it, the surfaces need to be clean , depending on what mig you have set it on power setting 3/4 , speed 4 / 5 keep the tip off about 5mm and squeeze the trigger and smoothly push away from you , don't pull !, the sound you want is said to be similar to sausages in a pan (cleechey), only you will get it right , if the gun pushes back , either feed to fast or not enough power , if your burning down to the tip all the time, power to high or not enough feed , only you will find out what is best for you
+1 practice on scrap metal of a similar Guggenheim and you will be fine. The sound of bacon frying is hat you want.

Check for penetration and strength.

Good luck.
preparation is key. well, until you start welding under the landy, then you just have to point and pray because no amount of preparation will get you two shiny rust free surfaces!
+1 practice on scrap metal of a similar Guggenheim and you will be fine. The sound of bacon frying is hat you want.

Check for penetration and strength.

Good luck.

hat you want

explains in great (sic) detail kato...

I just love the help you get from predictive txts eh....

can I suggest readers substitute
Guggenheim for gauge,
hat you want for what you want,
well, today at least...

ok, welding :whoosh:
its a magical art of joining pieces together, be they ferous, non ferous, plastics or glass for starters,
but landrover owners tend to want mettalic repairs so..

guess I was about 17 when I decieded I wanted to weld,
so at the time papers advertised low cost welders that used car batteries linked together to operate a vibrating arc welder using thinish welding rods.
was ****e really, but "tacked" more then welded bits of metal together.
but the bug of wanting to weld was there, and there forever more.
now some 48 years later, I can truthfully say,
I`ve done a fair bit of welding for myself & others on cars, trailors, lawnmowers, infact most things made from ferrous materials.
I`ve also brazed & silver soldered even more diverse things in them 48 years, & not forgetting the 1000`s of carbide turning & milling tools I made whilst in engineering.
So, why the story ?????
I had to teach myself, from a 17 year old,
to a nigh on 65 year old all my needs of welding & brazing/silver soldering.
I can gas weld, cut with oxy/propain-compressed air,
arc weld, mig weld, even use hi tech adhesives too :D
there is no better way of getting that sort after learning curve then getting 2 simular pices of metal. a "welder" SAFETY glasses, maybe gloves if ya a bit scared, tight fitting boots or shoes coz ya gonna get burns on your feet !!
but just go and do it.
if it "splatters" then take note of your welders settings, re adjust one setting at a time to see if it improves,
until you get to see that like me as a 17 year "boy" ok man,
I too could weld after much practice.
practice makes perfect, and laying on your back under a landrover WILL test your abilities to be able to weld,
but when you can do that well,
life then is a piece of cake mate..

good luck,
ask valid questions,
research your questions also,
but dont give up too soon...... LOL....

oh me? I still swear, get burnt,
but get satisfaction on a job well done after the grief,
its a landrover thing by jingo...:D
look at some welding forums... they will have links to you tube and other tutorials... even look on fleabay for a mig welding dvd.....
then when youve got a bit of an idea whats whats going on get some scrap and play..... when you can glue two baked bean cans together youve made a start

125mm angle grinder with wire brush and flap abrasive discs is good for cleaning up before you starrt and grinding the lumps off when yer done
With a little tuition from my dad I've basically taught myself, nothing beats practice and like others have suggested 2 pieces of scrap and just go at it,, adjust where adjustments are needed. Sound of bacon. A good practice i use is writing your name on a piece of metal helps you control the gun learn how to spread the weld neatness ect. I still set up on a piece of metal before I start welding to get the settings right

Good luck
God what are you lot like :eek:

What about the Elf n Safety

Even I know how easy it is to set fire to a vehicle with a welder
God what are you lot like :eek:

What about the Elf n Safety

Even I know how easy it is to set fire to a vehicle with a welder

Yeah especially with wax oil bloody stuff burns like a river :rolleyes:

Ooh and it called common sense have water fire extinguisher at hand when welding around flammable stuff :rolleyes:
Ooh and it called common sense :rolleyes:
i keep telling her that :p

edit. which is what i was gonna post first, afore i got sidetracked!

rob, if yer ever round shipley, could do a bit of showing and helping.
bit far i suspect tho, but the offers there
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i keep telling her that :p

edit. which is what i was gonna post first, afore i got sidetracked!

rob, if yer ever round shipley, could do a bit of showing and helping.
bit far i suspect tho, but the offers there

Common sense :eek::eek: Non of that on here :D :D

:p:p And taking a Disco swimming without a snorkel is such good sense, oh and I forgot, a nice trip down the A1M with a dodgy alternator :p:p
Yeah especially with wax oil bloody stuff burns like a river :rolleyes:

Ooh and it called common sense have water fire extinguisher at hand when welding around flammable stuff :rolleyes:

water is not necessarily your best bet for a vehicle fire, would go foam as a first choice (AFFF) then co2 or powder. BUT powder makes an unbelievable mess.
water is not necessarily your best bet for a vehicle fire, would go foam as a first choice (AFFF) then co2 or powder. BUT powder makes an unbelievable mess.

Water was only for little fires had a co2 and powder next to me when I was going the chassis just incase but I didn't want to use them apart from a last resort due to mess. :)

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