Stefan Albrekt

New Member
We are about to create some tours in Scandinavia - both selfdriving and guided/groups and we have some questions before we start. Its not regular tours - it is more adventure with bushcamping, nature, wildlife, walking, kanoeing etc.

How about the interest among You - Landrovers?
What do You want to explore/see in Scandinavia?
How many days do You want to go?
What kind of place to stay do You want?
Which way do You come to Sweden - Esbjerg, Malmoe, Gothenbourgh, Oslo?
Hope to see You in Scandinavia
Hi Stefan,
It is unfortunate that you have not had any replies. There may be a few reasons for this.
  1. It was your first and only post. - It's expected etiquette to introduce yourself in the 'Introduce Yourself' section of the forum before posting in any of the other sections.
  2. Some sections of the forum are used/viewed a lot more than others. eg, this is the first time I've looked in the Expedition forum for many months.
  3. I suspect that not many people from the UK drive/holiday in Scandinavia.
Last summer my wife and I drove as far as Oslo. We live in the North of England and so took the ferry across the North sea. Travelled through the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, took the ferry to Helsingborg, drove up the E6 to Oslo. On the return journey we drove down to Malmo and then crossed the Oresund Bridge. During the journey we saw very few GB number plates. I didn't see one GB Land Rover. We've travelled a lot in Europe - drive camping and we like long road trips. In our experience, as we travel, the GB number plates quickly become scarce. The biggest travellers are the Dutch (Netherlands) Quite a few Germans venture a reasonable way from home. A few Spanish do, as well as a few Italians and a few French.
Another factor may be that the ferries across the North Sea are very expensive compared to the Channel Tunnel and the ferries across to France, so many people may head South. It's warmer there too, though we were very happy with the temperatures in Scandinavia last summer.

If you want more opinions from other LandyZone members I would suggest you put a post in the introduce yourself section just saying hello and a little bit about what you are doing. (Don't give personal information away on a public forum!) Then, put a post in the General Land Rover Forum section saying a little about what you are trying to set up and reference this post in the Expeditions section of the forum.
Hope this helps and good luck.

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