
Active Member
Hi all.

Just a quick FYI. Was going to purchase a bull bar for my freelander from a new user on here "bigrobbo1983". Turns out he's a bad apple and sent me a text once Id arrived at the meet point that he had received a much bigger offer and the bar was no longer available. I doubt he even had it in the first place. Should have been more careful I guess but certainly will be in future. There's always one bad apple in a group of awesome people!

Known details at present:

Lives in or near Ashington (newcastle area)
Drives a gold 5dr Freelander
Works as a security guard
Phone number is 07447 401932

If anyone knows anything it would be much appreciated.
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Hi all.

Just a quick FYI. Was going to purchase a bull bar for my freelander from a new user on here "bigrobbo1983". Turns out he's a scammer and sent me a text once Id arrived at the meet point that he had received a much bigger offer and the bar was no longer available. I doubt he even had it in the first place. Should have been more careful I guess but certainly will be in future. There's always one bad apple in a group of awesome people!

Known details at present:

Lives in or near Ashington (newcastle area)
Drives a gold 5dr Freelander
Works as a security guard
Phone number is 07447 401932

If anyone knows anything it would be much appreciated.

How did he plan to scam you? Seems he was just being a cock unless you have already handed over cash and he has done one.
Well thats what you get for trusting someone with one post who Pm'd you as soon as he signed up………..
Well its not a "Scam" as such, but It would have been had I not sent any money across in the first place (as I was wary just in case), but instead he asked if I could get any 5dr Freelander roof bars. I went and purchased some after he said go for it, at which point we arranged to meet at Hexham at 3pm today. Im not hugely out of pocket (less than £50) and he doesnt have any more money off me at least, but Its just a heads up in future.
Well its not a "Scam" as such, but It would have been had I not sent any money across in the first place (as I was wary just in case), but instead he asked if I could get any 5dr Freelander roof bars. I went and purchased some after he said go for it, at which point we arranged to meet at Hexham at 3pm today. Im not hugely out of pocket (less than £50) and he doesnt have any more money off me at least, but Its just a heads up in future.

Ahhhh the plot thickens.....
Yes indeedy! So if anyone knows anyone who wants a set of 5dr Freelander original roof rails then let me know!
Apologies for making it seem more serious! You might want to amend the title from scammer to "rotten apple?"

I think if he caused you to outlay coins for a deal and then bailed out right at the last minute then he is a first class bellend and I agree everyone should stay well clear of him.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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