jordan schroeder

New Member
hi I'm Jordan, 45 years old and bought my first Rangerover ten years ago, started off with P38's but over the years found my love of the Vogue second to non. Sadly my current RR (according to the mechanic) has blown a head gasket has an electrical short and "rose Bushes"? All In all a blooming nightmare. Although I am loathed to scrap it, it may be my only option but I'll die fighting first I know this is isn't rational, what say you guys?
If anyone could recommend the worlds most patient mechanic who fancies a project, no rush. Please let me know. My replacement car will drive me insane and it's a poor substitute sadly.......a TR it is NOT!!!

Welcome to Landyzone and sorry to hear the RR is poorly sick. feel free to pop any questions on the Range Rover section for advise.
Welcome go look in the RR section or try the search I think you need a new mechanic to be honest hg is a simple job and electrical issues are usually a common fix are are worn suspension, let me have a these did he offer to take it off your hands for peanuts money ???
Welcome go look in the RR section or try the search I think you need a new mechanic to be honest hg is a simple job and electrical issues are usually a common fix are are worn suspension, let me have a these did he offer to take it off your hands for peanuts money ???
Funnily enough he bloomin did!!! £500 quids all it's worth !

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