
New Member
Hi everyone i´m writing just fo say hello to all.
rigth now i dont have any questions about it but zoon i will have so much questions becouse a few days a go i bougth a Land Rover series one 80 inch 1953 for restoration...:cool:
i´m trying to work on it in my free time and rigth now i´m put out all its paint..
OK i would like to know what kind of products can i use for this work....please if someone know let me know a generic name becouse i live in south america and i think the names changes in every country.....
Thanks for all
Hi nano! Good luck on your new project! I'm afraid I've never restored a land rover before so can't really help you on products you need. However I'm sure some of our other members are experienced with this! :)
:)Thanks Roy, dont worry..:)
i want to take my time for this will be not easy...

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