
New Member

Local guy just dropped out for laning trip tomorrow. Happy Valley byway and a few local lanes were planned. Can't go in the Series 3 on my own. Interested? Short notice. Need to call me tonight 01570 480 746 or 07767 841385. Need one or two more vehicles to play it safe and sensible!!

Should be a gentle cold day I hope. Mines all packed and ready to rock and roll as of 7pm tonight (Friday). If you reas this and know anyone that may like to come (all foc!) pass this on tonight. Calls before 9pm please if possible.

Hate to cancel a day trip!

Ex. Buggy Club
Only planned Happy Valley byway and a couple of small byways to form a loop back to Machynlleth. Takes me old Series a few hours to chunter to the start in the first place!

If time was aloowing potentially Nant-Y-Moch lanes on my way home but think it will be too dark so will save for another day!
PS If I aint got a second vehicle and driver within the next hour, I ain't gonna be able to go! :(

Bit daft on me ownsome, come on you late notice landy owners!!!!
so your doing happy valley what else you got planed
Corwen ?


ps, I like the video's of the LR's through the 'wash'
You know when its deep, the water is under the gate:D .

Looking at you 90, when I had the 110 I had the water half up the windscreen:p . On the fence on the fas side (where you went in) the water was up to the second, from the top, fence pole!! I ended up going down stream a little (well a lot:eek: ).
As I have said I have done it many times when it is up to the 2nd run in the fence, see picture. In the Landcruiser I have not done it that deep yet as I have not fitted the snokel.



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if your 1/2 way across and think its to deep then its too late! once your commited, your commited. Just gun it :D I only do deep when its not running fast.


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