
New Member
Hi all, new to the forum!

Basically I currently have a modified jeep Cherokee xj 4.0, the trouble is we could do with some more seats!

Most defenders in good condition are far to expensive for me, however a santana ps10 has come available, 2006, 65,000 miles- looks good and can get a deal done at 4000 if I pick up this weekend.

So what do you guys think?

Look at this on eBay:

santana ps 10 defender

I know it's a good engine 2.8 iveco unit
Leaf springs all round - not always a bad thing
Parts more expensive, harder to source.

Just need some help to make a decision. Alternatively I keep the jeep until we become desperate for extra seats (2 years)

Any other things to worry about?

Thanks in advance
Hi all, new to the forum!

Basically I currently have a modified jeep Cherokee xj 4.0, the trouble is we could do with some more seats!

Most defenders in good condition are far to expensive for me, however a santana ps10 has come available, 2006, 65,000 miles- looks good and can get a deal done at 4000 if I pick up this weekend.

So what do you guys think?

Look at this on eBay:

santana ps 10 defender

I know it's a good engine 2.8 iveco unit
Leaf springs all round - not always a bad thing
Parts more expensive, harder to source.

Just need some help to make a decision. Alternatively I keep the jeep until we become desperate for extra seats (2 years)

Any other things to worry about?

Thanks in advance

Parts, lack of. Just because it is a Spanish defender does not mean it has British parts on it.

Do a search about parts availability for Santana
Thanks for all the replies, take all the points made.

I guess parts for the engine will be easy enough- I have done a bit of research and seen a parts place in Perth that supply parts, alternatively it would be a case of modifying to fit defender parts etc.

I don't do many miles and certainly not for work.

Is it a resounding no? Also I know you are all land rover enthusiasts so no doubt a Santana will not win any fans here - I have read a mixed bag of reviews elsewhere- some very good, some not so

Thanks for all your help
Id consider it for four(would be looking to pay three). Wouldnt touch it it for 5250. Its a series really so describing it as a defender is a bit misleading. It wont do what a defender does. And also its worked, so what did it do for the firm previously? Towing?
there would appear to be a better deal also listed on eblag eg less miles later reg etc

Yes I have seen the cheaper one, however it was a previous cat c!

I really don't know what to do, I know it's not a defender, however in my opinion leaf springs can be just as good as coils offroad(crap on) and also the iveco engine is far better than the defender unit.

Reliability and parts worry me.

The equilivant defender same age etc is 12k!!!
If it's so wonderful why the hell is he selling it after putting a shed load of money into it???
Sounds like a proper hound to me!!!!!.
seeing as Santana as a company no longer exist, id be concerened with long term parts avaliability, a Fender might cost more in the start, but parts are easy to get and pretty cheap.
It depends what you want to do with it , and the gap between the PS10 and modern defenders isnt that big . Some parts might be a bit tricky , but if you only usually need fast mover spares , which is the case in most situations , then i would think availability isnt that bad , as they bought in engine , so other sources are available. , as you say there is a big price difference . In the end you are the only one who can balance the various considerations . If i was looking at a limited budget , having a low mileage with commensurate condition , or a high mileage shed of a defender i know which one i would buy
A local non-enthusiast chap I know has one, likes it a lot (had it for about four years), gets it serviced by a local independent, and has not. to my knowledge, had any spare parts problems.

I'd certainly consider buying one (at the right price etc.), but would want to know how far Santana drifted away from LR drawings over the years. Panels might look different, but would a Defender wing/door or roof fit without any mods? Or just one or two new holes? Are springs the same? Axles? I wouldn't be comparing it with a new car and expecting to take it to a main dealer for servicing. I'd take the view that, for the saving in purchase price, I'd be insuring myself against the difference in maintenance/repair costs and waiting times.

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