
Well-Known Member
Today on my way in to work I was forced to stop for 5 mins by a precession
of 3 x BMW X5's a Jeep and a Disco creeping towards me down the
middle of the road.

Had there been a land slide or a earthquake and the road had been destroyed?
I hear you ask.
Where they in danger of being swept off the road by a raging torrent and
in to a ravine?

No there was 4 inches of water from a leaking water main and these
4x4 off road vehicles were tiptoeing there way through it like
it was Nitroglycerine.

I ask you why do these people (mothers on the school run) buy
£40,000 pounds worth of high-tech off road machine and drive
it like it was a ford focus?

Is it me ?
No mate not just you!

You live in Hampshire, so do I! Maybe it's just a Hants thing!

I had the miss fortune of doing the whole Tesco thing yesterday - there was a volvo 4x4 think it was a x90 or whatever, anyway it was parked diagonally across two bays and had a dent in each side!

Driven and parked by touch me thinks!

GGGrrrrrhhhhh grips my #hit too!
People who have new 4x4's get on my nerves too !!!!!

Ive got a brand spanking new series 3 disco and its already been off road 12 times, Whats the point in spending all that money if you dont go out and do what it was designed for ?????.

My new neighbours ( Mr & Mrs noseytwat) couldnt belive what a state i got it in after only 4 days, I had driven a few green lanes and across a load of fields, All they could say was, Your gonna break that nice new car by doing things like that !!!!! GET BENT YOU OLD SODS , was my reply !!!!!

Then on friday afternoon the same neighbours had 14 tonnes of hardcore delivered, But the driver tipped the lot outside my drive by mistake, So guess where the disco got parked ? Oh yes your right, On top of the bloody pile, 5ft in thr air !!!!!!

Now for the little close i live on that was a big thing and by rights i should be tared and feathered !!!!!

It dont matter how old or new your motor is, JUST USE IT OR BUY A FIESTA !!!!!
quite right too, many years ago i was a member of a non lro 4x4 club and there was a guy used to come to the meets in a brand new nissan patrol, everyone used to take the **** out of him, until we went on our first off roading day, he was great, ****ed on loads of these tossers in their 5 year old landies. to be honest, he drove it as if he had nicked it, it may have been a jap, but fair play to him ;)
well, my disco was well and truely off roaded, i can remeber being involved in a little situation and having ''i see there's no effing damage to your posh 4x4''. yelled at me! when i had calmed down just a little i pointed out the dents on every body panel and the dirt that held the interior together! if you got it, use it!
Little nay,

Did ya disco have dents in every panel and dirt all in the interior defore the incident? I hope so!!!!

While your on ere forum, whats up with the shires web site?!? Keeps getting some sillyness coming up, want to view picks of last bunny lane! Is it that there interferance from middle earth? Bloody ork's there so-n-so's
i followed a new disco tother month up the next road to mine, on the way home.
the road has speed bumps. and the driver went over each one of em at approx 5mph!

does anyone think the same as me? the new disco rear end is just feckin pig ugly.

Being the not so proud owner of a new Disco, I have to agree with you !!!!!

My god its backend is ugly !!!!!

And as for the prat that goes over speed humps at 5mph !!!!!

I drive mine like ive just stolen it over the humps on my close !!!!!

retsgom said:


thats what you git for moving into a posh area, try liverpool they use burnt out car shells as chicanes for a traffic calming method...
Dear Slob,

I have to live in a posh area to upset all the upper class snobs,

Loud music

Going out in the middle of the night

and riping up the grass verges,

I have been accused of all the above and more !!!!!

funny you should say that. my neighbour commented today that the whole area has gone downhill since about the year 2000.

you only get one guess as to which year i moved here?
retsgom said:
Dear Slob,

I have to live in a posh area to upset all the upper class snobs,

Loud music

Going out in the middle of the night

and riping up the grass verges,

I have been accused of all the above and more !!!!!


ee lad i wur the same, then i moved here, to the back of beyond.. ( the sloborosa..[ )
the plastic snob accross the road even complained cos i had three cars in me drive, he got real sweaty when i turned up wiff a JCB to put an injun and box into me trans am
No sanity check required - what we need is looser restrictions on gun ownership!

"Your honour, it was justifiable homicide on the basis of removing the crap from the gene pool...

Fair enough, you are free to go."

I used to drive a Toyota MR2 with less ground clearance than a steamrollered hedgehog... up in the lakes a few years back I drove it through a 300m long flooded bit of road with the bow wave almost up to the vents on the bonnet just after the Jeep owner in front of me had turned around, obviously thinking better of it... the water wouldn't even have got up to his brake discs I reckon.

Nothing wrong with MR2's my wife had a mk 1 for 15 years and we only swapped it for a new MR2 when I couldn't find any good metal to weld to.
And yes she did train as a hairdresser.:D :D

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