
Active Member
Right leading on from another thread put yer name down against the dates you can do. Afraid it's looking like a majority vote gets the date but who knows maybe we can do both

8th of December

22nd of December
We can let the date run a little longer, maybe if we get a few more details finalised it will help decide which day, does that make sense?
Ok. How bout we meet at the costa coffee place that freddy PM'd us at 9.30am on whichever day we decide on? Time forra coffee, **** and fuel up before the off. :cool:
ive been to busy spending thousands on me house and ant touched the disco for over 4 months only got diff lock on tranny box , front calipers seized big hammer sorted them out though :D
Get ur bloody prioritys right Robin, sort the disco and see us there. :)
Right chaps, something has cropped up meaning it would be really difficult for me to make it the 8th :( Is everyone ok with making it the 22nd?
Is ......... there ..................... anybody ........................... out .................................. there??????????:confused:
Is the day on the plains going ahead???????
Maybe we should just choose a date now and go for it. Seems no one wants to commit to one date or another. Someone has posted on the other plains thread and are going on the 15th. Any good to you Doz? We could meet them and go round together. They sound as clueless as us regards direction :confused: but hey, im sure we will work it out :). What do you say?

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