Good Getting ****ed off chasing ****s away from danger areas.

Have very nearly taken out a few of the morons.
Is that all? Shows lack of ambition... :D

I find a Paveway IV to be much more effective on a moving target... :D

You're not a drop-short are you, Gaz? :eek: :D

Good god no. But salsbury plain has all our types of live fire permited on it. But when your doing feld fireing and some bugger pops up in you danger area kind of nakers up the training that you plan.

Take for example the last time, set up the range... started fireing. Then some tit on a motercross come riding into the danger area. He very nearly gets shoot up. So what dose he do well he rides up to us very ****es off and starts an argument. He was even more ****ed of when MOD plod arrived and ceased his and his mates bikes as well as there trailer and hilux.:D
Good god no. But salsbury plain has all our types of live fire permited on it. But when your doing feld fireing and some bugger pops up in you danger area kind of nakers up the training that you plan.

Take for example the last time, set up the range... started fireing. Then some tit on a motercross come riding into the danger area. He very nearly gets shoot up. So what dose he do well he rides up to us very ****es off and starts an argument. He was even more ****ed of when MOD plod arrived and ceased his and his mates bikes as well as there trailer and hilux.:D

Lol!! Eejits... It's not like the big red signs are lacking or inconspicuous, now is it?? Surprised he didn't get a kicking...

We always had to go much further afield for live fire, although I've dropped plenty of meat bombs on the plains... ;)

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