
New Member

I would like to go up there with my OH so if anyone is interested in the next week or so POST HERE!! :)
would love to come out and about around salisbury... where are we talking north or south? i preffer the north!

weekday or weekend, day or night? whats an OH?

Not 100% sure yet. Are Saturdays ok to be driving up there? Are there military stuff going on or are we better to wait till a Sunday?
Oh lawks, HB's gunna spend the day wearing her nobvision goggles then! I dunno, the desperate sight of a gurl feigning a breakdown in frunt of a tank. Tch, shocking!
I am hurt and deeply offended:(! I thort I was ya number 1:) - eh Mucus, wats this about HB being desperate:p and having a nervous breakdown:eek:? I can assure yu she has immaculate taste - well at least wiv me:D!
being an old man will creep up on ya quicker than yu think - kids do it to ya!

senelity is hereditary - yu get it from ya kids! Yo ask S - wimmins brains turn to jelly after havin a kid (and sumtimes before!) :eek:

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