
New Member
I have not been before but want to have a go there! Anyone been before who can offer advice on routes, etc??
Anyone local want to meet up there sometime?


i live in ringwood (about 15 miles away from salisbury)

i've been to the plain once before and it was really good. i was however with someone who knew there way round.

i'd love to go up there again, if you wanted to just "explore" with an OS map and see where we end up drop me an email (

it doesnt matter if they are firing, because it's only the danger area that they do that, and your not allowed in there any time of the year (except for like xmas day when they've all gone home)

And the danger area is very clearly marked with signs on the road saying if you go past here your likely to DIE... so theres no mistaking them !

there are plenty of lanes and byways (all legal) and whats more there are no ramblers to moan because its the army, and you can't get told off for tearing it up, because they are tank tracks ! (and believe me a tank tears it up a hell of a lot more than a landy) but its very scary when you see one haring along, especially if your stuck !

If you have an OS map, you'll see the danger areas marked by red stars.

i only have road tyres that are designed to cope with a certain amount of mud and snow!
would they cope there?
Sounds wicked! No feckin ramblers & tank tracks? Bliss! I'm in Bournemouth, I'll be up there soon.
It would have to be a couple of weeks time. New radiator & fan belt to fit & I'm away next weekend. Sunday 29th Jan'?
Give me a shout when you are going. I live very near to the plain and have just got a 110 Defender. Have not had time to get up there yet but would be up for a run.

Chris & Matt,

Would love to, but unlikely to be good for Dan as he has a bust up leg just now. Just left a voicemail for him to check out the current position. I've just lost a week or so meself with a virus so with all the optimism in the worl' I could do with a week or so to get some strength back & finish a couple of Landy type jobs.

Let's not let this go cold tho'.

Hey, did go & get a "Landranger" map for the area today which did nothing to quell my excitement...........Could Salisbury Plain be Landy, misbehaviour Nirvana? Still love this whole Tank & as a consequence, no red sock wearing idea!

Ah sod it, it's only me mobile: 07974 202357 or if anyone wants to call or touch base & move towards getting this together, tops! If anyone wants to call it & discuss shagging their Mother, don't bother, been there, done it & sold her knickers on ebay!

hi guys,

don't wait on my account.

I'm not going to be better for a few weeks yet :(

just promise me that if you go... make sure you all go again when i'm better.

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