
Well-Known Member
hi to all
due to unforseen circumstances the last sailsbury trip had to be cancelled ,
myself and ratty are concidering to try and organise another date ,for those hwo are interested please make your interest known and myself and ratty will communicate together and decide on a date which hopefully will suit all , unfortunally the last date was going to be the 8th of june which was planned i cannot make this date as im out of the country for that week ,
we will hopefully get two partys together if theirs enough interest and will all meet up for lunch at one location ......
as a previous thread wanted to charge you for this privilidge this will be free just your time vehicle and your lunch is all your need ......... but if you wish to buy the organisers a pint it would be apricated ( just kidding )
right lets have your names
many thanks
as a previous thread wanted to charge you for this privilidge this will be free just your time vehicle and your lunch is all your need ......... but if you wish to buy the organisers a pint it would be apricated ( just kidding )
right lets have your names
many thanks

cept Sirus. We'll charge HIM.;) :D :D
YES, YES, YES, YES, YES and errr, YES!

Providing of course I'm not working or any one of the squillions of major events that always seem to happen to me haven't happened I'll be there on my first 'proper' bimble around the Plain.

...I live on the Plain you see.
I don't have any probs wiv may as long as it's after the bank olyday. Myself and Robint are trying to suss a route out during may. You are welcome to tag along if you like? Call it a practice run:D
woz rong wiv May? or is that bein silly?

i is gerrin confused

woohoo - got there in the end - got lost - soz

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