
New Member
I was having my Landy denegrated by someone who knows an awful lot about them (nearly clumped him though). He said that the back axle was a sailsbury axle and that it should be fitted with leaf springs only, not leaf and coil. Any ideas?

Also, so I dont keep bothering you chaps with these inane questions, is there a book/website/magazine that you can recommend for me to read to learn more for myself?

why would you want leaf and coil springs on yer axle? would that be for extra spodoydeness? and have you got a piccy of it?
Took the coils out tonight ... well, the mekanik did. They was held in place by ..... zip ties!

Slob- you was right, they was adding to the spodoydeiness. The ride is nowhere as harsh now. Ta!

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