
New Member
Hello one and all, HELP!
My 88" Siii sits about 2 inches lower on the drivers side thst the other.
It has parabolics all round, could these be on the wrong side?
the shocks are in a state and I am about to replace them, could this be the cause?
Any advice very welcome.
wrong side? er... could well be the shocks if ther buggered. bush's gone too? that gives the aprerence of a low side,
the springs are handed so unless you've got a big bird in the drivers seat i'd guess they are fitted incorrectly
the springs are handed so unless you've got a big bird in the drivers seat i'd guess they are fitted incorrectly

Not all springs are handed. I know mine (British Springs) are handed but not all makes are.

If they are handed they would normally have some marks on them (N/S Front ect).
Not all springs are handed. I know mine (British Springs) are handed but not all makes are.

If they are handed they would normally have some marks on them (N/S Front ect).

show me where i can get a set that arent please ......
the springs are handed so unless you've got a big bird in the drivers seat i'd guess they are fitted incorrectly

My point is that you said the springs are handed... when they might not be because he has parabollocks on ;)
yer dint buy ****prat ones did ya

Hahaha! If he did i would be betting on sagging springs. There is a bloke doing a rebuild on LRUK who fitted RM Springs on the Rear and ****part on the front as he could not get hold of any RM ones for the front.... The ****parts ones have not done any work apart from sitting there and they are already sagging :rolleyes:
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the trouble with those BS pairabolics is that you have to fanny about by bodgeing the hanger angle to get the vehicle to sit right as they should have a different rate or camber to deal with the drivers weight aong with that of the fuel tank
If the chassis is original then there's a good chance it's been repaired - perhaps by someone who is unable to use a tape measure properly. It might be worth checking the alignment of the chassis, especially the positioning of the rear spring hangers. You can get series II/IIA/III chassis dimensions from a Haynes manual. ****part springs come with sagging as a standard feature, sometimes one side, sometimes both.

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