
New Member
I've just got a Safari Snorkel off eBay and saved myself a fortune.

As it's second hand it hasn't come with fitting intructions or template.

Has anyone got these that I could get a copy of please - I've tried a search on here but didn't come up with anything.

It's for a 200tdi

I notice they should have a foam gasket - do you need this or will silicone sealer do ?


Not sure about the foam/sealant, but try google mate, the instructions will be knocking about on t'interweb somewhere, probably on safari site.;);)
Ive got a set of instructions, Ill dig them out and photograph them for you. Give me a minute.....
Sorry, mines for a 300tdi. Dont know if its different. Ive posted the photos as a new thread. If you need the foam template I could always trace it out and post a paper template to you, which you could then cut out in foam?

I've just got a Safari Snorkel off eBay and saved myself a fortune.

As it's second hand it hasn't come with fitting intructions or template.

Has anyone got these that I could get a copy of please - I've tried a search on here but didn't come up with anything.

It's for a 200tdi

I notice they should have a foam gasket - do you need this or will silicone sealer do ?



Is this a defender or disco snorkel if it's a defender There's a photo thread by me in my Font of all Knowledge Thread. the foam gasket just goes around the air intake in the side of the wing.

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