
Well-Known Member
Sadly I think it is my time to sell, prices are high and for the amount I use it I can't justify keeping. Also by the price of Defenders it makes me worried using it!


Generally I am going to be gutted to sell it, but I'll probably be buying something else to satisfy my need to go offroad at some point.

And before everyone has a go at me, yes I know I am asking for the top end of what it is worth, but I'm in no rush to sell and to me it is worth that. Will see if anyone else agrees...
Blimey I was thinking of selling my immaculate 58 plate 90 with aircon and central locking with 28,000 miles on the clock for £11,500 - think I will have to have a rethink.
Blimey I was thinking of selling my immaculate 58 plate 90 with aircon and central locking with 28,000 miles on the clock for £11,500 - think I will have to have a rethink.

It's what he wants for it .. which isn't necessarily what he gets .. check ebay completed listings for similar for a truer sold price .. :)
I know...

I'm struggling to price it a bit tbh. Maybe closer to £9-10k?
I'm thinking defo on the lower end - sorry! You've obv spent an awful lot on it. Prices seem to be regional so I imagine you should get a decent amount being where you are, but at the end of the day it's still nearly 20 yrs old (I know chassis is galvanised 'tho) and has quite a bit of mileage. I think there will be buyers who will expect a bit of a deal if you're not a VAT registered seller too. I haven't done a thorough trawl on e-bay for a few weeks but I would have a good look on there and see what prices are being reached. It might be worth opening it up on here to see what people think and adding 'Make An Offer' on e-bay. Obv there will be a lot of silly offers :D
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I'm thinking defo on the lower end - sorry! You've obv spent an awful lot on it. Prices seem to be regional so I imagine you should get a decent amount being where you are, but at the end of the day it's still nearly 20 yrs old (I know chassis is galvanised 'tho) and has quite a bit of mileage. I think there will be buyers who will expect a bit of a deal if you're not a VAT registered seller too. I haven't done a thorough trawl on e-bay for a few weeks but I would have a good look on there and see what prices are being reached. It might be worth opening it up on here to see what people think and adding 'Make An Offer' on e-bay. Obv there will be a lot of silly offers :D
Yeah, I have done the best offer thing before on cars and got loads of stupid offers. Tbh I have spent over £9k on it, so would rather keep it than sell it for less than that. The plan was to sell this and my car and get something that does both jobs, but I still think I will regret selling it.

There are such varying prices on ebay that I can't decide on what it is worth, some dealers are charging crazy prices, and there are quite a few that haven't had a galv chassis for £8k. I think I'll leave it on at this price for a while and if there is no interest keep it for a while longer and do some bodywork. I like having it, but I don't like leaving it outside and not using it.
Yeah, I have done the best offer thing before on cars and got loads of stupid offers. Tbh I have spent over £9k on it, so would rather keep it than sell it for less than that. The plan was to sell this and my car and get something that does both jobs, but I still think I will regret selling it.

There are such varying prices on ebay that I can't decide on what it is worth, some dealers are charging crazy prices, and there are quite a few that haven't had a galv chassis for £8k. I think I'll leave it on at this price for a while and if there is no interest keep it for a while longer and do some bodywork. I like having it, but I don't like leaving it outside and not using it.
Yeah i understand. I'm not convinced a lot of those dealer vehicles on there are real tho - some have been on there for months. I think it's also unlikely they actually get the prices they are advertising at.
I have noticed 'tho that expedition stuff does attract a lot of bids. See what happens i guess!
I would keep it and use it lol! :)
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£10500 now. Probably a more realistic price.

Nice looking truck mate but IMO over priced for the market however that's your call.

Hopefully some constructive criticism; maybe get some better pics of it up on eBay. Some shots of dash/switching. Also the vehicle being used on an overland trip (if you have any) pics with roof tent on/set up (assuming you have one on on trips away) just make it look a little more wow.

10k buys a decent td5 and also a very straight original tdi CSW which seem for whatever reason more desirable and make better money.

Hope it helps and good luck with the sale.

Nice looking truck mate but IMO over priced for the market however that's your call.

Hopefully some constructive criticism; maybe get some better pics of it up on eBay. Some shots of dash/switching. Also the vehicle being used on an overland trip (if you have any) pics with roof tent on/set up (assuming you have one on on trips away) just make it look a little more wow.

10k buys a decent td5 and also a very straight original tdi CSW which seem for whatever reason more desirable and make better money.

Hope it helps and good luck with the sale.

Cheers for the advice, I appreciate it.

I'll find some pics out, and take some more of the inside.

Yeah, it probably is a lot for a TDI, but with it being winter and them being out of production I thought I would be cheeky. It's had 800 page views and I have 25 watchers so fingers crossed.

I'll reduce it a bit if there is still no interest
Its a tidy enough truck but with every panel dented I think you are way off on price.

£7k looks its money to me.
Its a tidy enough truck but with every panel dented I think you are way off on price.

£7k looks its money to me.

Not with a galv chassis and with everything mechanically sorted I don't reckon. Hasn't sold yet tho!
It's only wings and doors, the tub and sides are straight.
£10k, and you wont chuck the fridge in???? Or the broken CB???? Bit tight, I'd start to wonder what else you'd been tight with on the rebuild you did. Take the fridge bit out of the ad mate.
£10k, and you wont chuck the fridge in???? Or the broken CB???? Bit tight, I'd start to wonder what else you'd been tight with on the rebuild you did. Take the fridge bit out of the ad mate.
The fridge was £400!

I am going to take a load more pics tomorrow when I have removed and tidied some stuff up and then reduce the price a bit more. 1510 views on ebay and 32 watchers!
To be honest I can see where James is coming from with the price, if you look at ebay their is similar without galv chassis etc for a little less, or the ones at silly prices offered by dealers. Whether any sell is another matter.
But one can only try, I'm in a similar position to James regards to rebuild and they don't come cheap to do right, and rightly so wants as much back out of it as he can.

I think I have decided to sell mine too (well maybe) and people will probably say the same about that.
They're bloody hard things to price, but if someone can't build to the same spec for less money then it's got to be worth it to the right buyer, it's just finding someone who appreciates what you've done and wants something ready to go, and also how long it takes to find them.
Good luck with the sale James.

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