
New Member
I have a 1975 S3 Diesel 2.25l It used to start fine hot or cold. Then it started to only start easy when it was cold if I went for a run so it got to normal running temp then turned it off it would not start easy. The pump timing was out at this stage very badly out it made such a racket when driven. Under inspection it was the timing that was far out. OK so sorted that and what a sweet running Engine and dam quiet. So I still have this problem that the dam thing wont start easy when hot. I would bump off not a problem. There is no air getting into the injector pump thus I put a clear pipe on so I could monitor this. The heater plugs work fine. the valves were to wide gap so has been sorted and it still wont start when hot. The fuel filter is new. I have scratched my head for a while on this one. Spoken to loads of people and got mixed opinions. Now its not wanting to start from cold. Getting worse and worse. I think it is the EXPENSIVE injector pump or may be the lift pump but people keep saying NO. When it is running it runs fine plenty of power for a 2.25 D but when you turn it off nothing. if you try to start it up to 10mins after it most off the time will but if you leave it from hot for over 10mins you can flatten the battery trying to start it. Bump it down a hill and hey presto it starts fine. When it is ticking over there is white or may be grey smoke not sure what color. but when running its fine. At high revs pulling up hill may be a bit of black smoke but I am sure thats just an old landy. New pistons and rings. OK here comes the best part. It was sat for 8 Years dry stored in a garage without any fuel in the system what sowever. This is why I think it may be the lift pump or injection pump. Head gasket may be. There seems to be plenty of compression but not tested it properly as I dont have a compression tester. Now it is getting worse it would not start from cold this morning. There was smoke from the exhaust and then after 30seconds or cranking the smoke went just as if there was no fuel but there was fuel to the pump as the pipe was full. I had to be towed buy my ever so thoughfull girlfriend with her Daihatus Foretrack ( HOW EMBARASSING ) for about a quater of a mile before it started but as I say once it is running its fine.

HELP HELP HELP. I love my Landy but its really taking the P**S out of me.

Skipton North Yorkshire.
Yes head gasket ok. No water being lost No water in the Oil and the system is not pressurizing to much. I keep thinking its the Injector pump but everybody keeps saying that they work or they don't I do find this hard to believe. Surely they ware like other parts. I think I may be going to take it off and pull it to bits. I am good at that after all I own a Landrover. I have nothing to loose it don't run now so if I am wrong it still wont run. I have a exploded Diag of the pump and I think I need to check it out.

North Yorkshire
GOT IT. I was right. The dam injector pump. in the top of the pump there are some transfer pump blades and they were worn out badly and pitted. I had an old massy ferguson pump off an old tractor so I took out the transfer pump blades and liner and replaced them into my pump took all of an hour. refitted the pump bled it up turned the key for about 30 seconds and hey presto. Running. took it for a drive and turned it off whilst it was still hot I tryed to start it again. yep running. I now came the big test left it for 30min and then went for the start. BANG off it goes again. some smoke but that is down to the pump timing.

Cheers for all your help.

North Yorkshire

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