
Well-Known Member
Right here is what me and Drewster, BoomerV8, Dorsetvouge, and new member idealsandwedge, got up to yesterday lots of pics and the vidoes are well worth a look

We started in llangollen at 9am on the first lane idelsandwedge and drewster had a bit of fun on a few wet rocks :D snigger:D



Then we did the wayfair which is always good,




Then headed to the corwen car wash which was in flood mode.
Which made all of us that went though it very wet but Boomer in his V8 whimped out:( . I had a nice bit of steam coming out of the heater vents for about an hour and a inch of water in the foot wells see a few vids below

Then it was chippys in bala good chippys on all accounts.
That was followed by another river crossing which bommer did do proof is below.


Then it was off to happyvalley which was wet and foggy but good as always



Then after that lane dorsetvouge found that he had shredded the donut on the rear prop

And that was it realy was a good day most injoyable for all and i am sure when the sluts get home there will we some more pics coming on here the rest of my pics are on here
rh020487/Sluts greenlaning in wales - Page 1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

oh and on the way home this morning after a lot of rain over night the river looked like this


It's like Deja vu. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I hope your all enjoying yerselves. Looks like I'm missing a lot of fun. Try not to let DV break too much cos he needs to be on the road again for next weekend.;) :D
well if he breaks it again on the chippy run it will be 3 times running snigger
grayham idealsandwedge he is a new member on here and he asked if he could come along so he did
who's driving the 110?:)

There aint many of us that use em for playing in.:( :eek:

for good reason ratty!

looks like a good lil outin there 90buoy, good vids, good mud, great puddles! puts that tossers meetin early on in't year to shame i reckon!!
for good reason ratty!

looks like a good lil outin there 90buoy, good vids, good mud, great puddles! puts that tossers meetin early on in't year to shame i reckon!!

t'aint nuffin wrong wiv a 110?:( :)
well me bein neither a slut nor a tosser I cudnt judge!

tossers meet looked a bit too sunny, too much standin around and not enuf pics for me liking!plus when you have nelly riding shot gun, thats gotta fookin make things worse!
well me bein neither a slut nor a tosser I cudnt judge!

tossers meet looked a bit too sunny, too much standin around and not enuf pics for me liking!plus when you have nelly riding shot gun, thats gotta fookin make things worse!
one thing for sure it was not sunny fooking ****ed down all day
oh a the lro pro trax lot were in the area taking nine landys in a group all paying £110 each what twots

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