1. Have yu searched on here?
2. Why do yu need lots of threads asking the same thing?
3. Why would you need to do that? It's not like they rust.
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Used them previously, but wasn't impressed.

Had my Discovery waxoyled, stonechipped and all the underside components painted in rust proof paint elsewhere and it's perfect.
What is it with Land Rover owners and Waxoyl? Is it perhaps that, as the vehicles are based on ancient technology, they think that their corrosion prevention ought to be too?

Have a read of this:

Defender2 - View topic - Rust prevention or treatment

Then repeat after me: "Waxoyl is rubbish, Waxoyl is rubbish..." until it sinks in that, er, Waxoyl is rubbish. Because it IS RUBBISH.

Then go to this website to buy some products that will actually work:

Corrosion Protection, Rust Removal, Car Wax and Car Polish from Bilt-Hamber UK

Even the editor of Land Rover Monthly, in the latest issue, says that he needed to have his Discovery re-Waxoyled, oblivious to the fact that if he'd used something decent in the first place, it wouldn't have gone rusty again.

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