chris freestone

Active Member
Hey people.... right many threads on thos subject n ive read through most of em but im left with one question for you brainy people. Ive bought the repair plates to fix the rust holes in the bulkhead of my 90 just below the windscreen. im fairly happy with how ive avtualy got to do the repair my concern is finishing it cosmeticaly..... after ive finished do i just paint over the welding (how will this look?) do i grind the welding back? Ive also had it suggested to me that i could dent the welds in and use filler to achieve a flat finish. what have others done in the past?

Cheers for any help chris
butt weld the joints ,then grind flush.
If you was to do as suggested you will ruin your car.It is also double skinned so once the outer is cut out treat the inner with rust killer.
Done carefully no filler should be needed.

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