you know the scoring system, right? I assume someones told you.
few tips on tough gates (though this my vary between clubs so ask):
you don't have to get you whole vehicle through, just a Hub, this should save you from putting you vehicle through hell on the hard parts (usually the 1 gate on top of a F*@k off steep climb!)
Just like a roller coaster, keep you limbs inside the vehicle at all times, keep putting and arm out at and you'll get DSQ'd.
Make sure your doors a fully closed and stay closed.
Mashalls decision is final, don't argue with him, cos he'll just give you 12!
Be Prepared for repairs, but if you break something and need spares, your club point you towards someone with a spare (Been through 4 diffs on CCV I trailed with me mate, 2 in one section!)
Take a plaggy bag for your score card.
make sure you got a sutiable tow rope (not a winch). You may be called upon to pull someone out.
Overall have fun, maintain banter, and even if you do ****, you can always have a bimble round the site.