Mick Guilbert

Well-Known Member
Dear all
The dreaded rot has set into my inner wings on my RRC soft dash, the bulkhead however is solid, not so the drivers footwell this also had holes.
Although I have welded the holes up this I know is ony a temporary fix, now I am not against holes, far from it (must put that in in case I offend a hole, as you seem to be able to offend anything these days), but holes need to be in the correct place and mine weren't.
The real reason for the post though is how expensive is it to have an inner wing changed as my welding is ok but not to a standard of replacing wings.
Can anyone recommend a service in the Gloucestershire area.
If welding is ok then inner wings should be a job you can do.
Take wings off and have a look, will pass mot if not too bad but still needs doing.
Rusty buggers but the best 4x4xfar is the rear window sticker that you need to purchase when you are finished.
did the inner wings on one of my classics.. need to do the other still.. I went for the full inner wing with the light box..

the big pain is getting everything off the old inner wings, once you have done that the rest is easy.. be aware for what you find underneath.

drop me a PM for the inner wing source..
Have you heard of plug welding?
Ideal method for inner wing replacement, rather than spot welding you drill a 6mm hole in he required places on the seams in one half, line up the parts then weld up the holes, dead easy to do.

Get the parts from yrm.
Easy On Panels do a bolt in inner wing kit for the RRC = NO welding - I use their weld in panels on our D1's, and they are superb - and since they are close to me, I have seen the bolt in kit both stand alone in their office, and fitted to a vehicle in their workshop. I'd highly recommend you have a butchers at their website:-


and ring up and speak to Nick Froggatt himself - very knowledgeable IME.

The footwell panel is still available on fleabay - about £50 per side - AFAIK its the OEM supplier too.

Have you heard of plug welding?
Ideal method for inner wing replacement, rather than spot welding you drill a 6mm hole in he required places on the seams in one half, line up the parts then weld up the holes, dead easy to do.

Get the parts from yrm.
Certainly a method I have not tried, will give it a go with some scrap. Thanks for the tip.

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