Hi i am new to this and have been searching google and calling my local garages to find a fix or actually accept the fact i need a rebuild on my gearbox.
I have an L322 TD6 Hse Auto (BMW ENGINE) on 02 plate, i got last year ive had a P38 2.5 DSE MAN(bmw Engine) For 6 years before so i know what to expect when theirs problems with all but the engine its self.
So now on my L322 i am having a problem with the auto gear change all was fine back in December until a week before Xmas the gear change juddered into 4th then 5th only on high acceleration (And i was not driving like a young boy racer even tho iam 26) i fort nothing of it as i didn't want to think my boxs was on its way out lol.
Today and since ive been driving it by not going over 3.5k revs going through the gear changes as this causes the problem in any gear but mainly in 3rd to 4th, 4th to 5th to judder No error codes showing on dash.
Ive had a recent diagnostic that showed transfer box faults and the guy cleared and then re-calibrated something using the OBD tool, so i had a gear oil, filter and gasket change also the EGR Filters and no metal bits found only black oil not burnt smell, the result was it did make her move quicker and drive smoother but the problem has not gone away its got better but still judders! can anyone help as ive been told by one garage "new box!" another "over haul on box" and another "seems you need a new car mate" i love my car and dont want her to totally die as i love these cars and will need to trade her in to help add to the newer model in a year maybe two.

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