Chris Perkins

New Member
Sorry, posted this in the 'Common faults and Questions' first, and I think it may be better off in here.

I've searched and can find no reference to an orange exclamation mark warning light on a Range Raver Classic....but I have one!

I'm in East Germany and it's -10 during the day.

I started the car (a 1990 3.9 V8 Auto) and let it run for 5-10 mins to get it warmed up. I then engaged reverse gear to get out of the drive and the engine cut out and an orange '!' illuminated on the dash, under the green right indicator arrow.

It wouldn't start immediately after this, but it did on the 2nd go without much trouble. The light is now continuously on but the car seems to drive fine and do all the things it should.

In the hand book it refers to a red '!' and says that it's something to do with EFI/emmissions. Is that the case, 'cept my light is orange?!

How can I look into it/fix it? Is it ok to drive? No one over here is going to have RR diagnostic stuff!

Any ideas? Thanks.
Unplug your ecu for a couple of seconds then put the plug back on, this will reset your ecu. Then turn ignition on, hopefully the efi warning light will stay out, then fire it up and see if it comes on again. If it does then you have a problem, could be MAF, temp sensor, throttle pot, fuel thermistor, an injector, even the ecu etc etc. If it runs, you can drive it but it will be in limp home mode and running very rich. Hope that helps ya.
Ok, I'll see about doing that today. What's a MAF? If it runs any richer the fuel comsumption will be measured in gallons per mile!

This'll sound dumb, but to save me googling....where is my ecu? I've never had any problems that have necesitated finding it.
What's a MAF?

where is my ecu? .

Mass Air Flow meter(sensor). Also AFM - Air Flow Meter.

ECU is a black box under front seat.

Your other option if you're not comfortable with poking around is to disconnect the battery then re-connect it. Has the same effect.
Ah yes, I remember seeing lots of gubbins there when I installed the elec/leather seats earlier this year. Thanks, I'm going to try that after breakfast.
Fixed it! Something silly in the end. When it got a few degrees warmer I opened the bonnet and notice that the HT lead from the coil was hanging next to the distributor cap! I'd changed this recently and it was loose. Too loose!

The reason the car kept running is because the spark was arcing from the cable to the dizzy cap, and therefore still ending up where it was supposed to be. Re-set the ECU by disconnecting the battery and all is well.

Thanks for your help.
It's still fine....fine ever since.

Few weeks ago a cable broke, from the loom (I assume) to the fuel pump. The car cut out a few times and eventually wouldn't start at all. That rather significant failure didn't put the light on!

I love roaring aroung in the old RR here in high altitude Saxony. I just wish it wasn't so thirsty sometimes. When the weather gets better I'll get the FX4 out of the garage, which is better on fuel but dog slow.

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