
New Member
Hello I Am New To This Site And New To Range Rovers. I Have Just Got A 1989 3.5 Auto, But Think I Have A Problem With The Gearbox, I Will Try And Explain So That Someone May Help Me Or Tell Me What The Problem Is, If I Have The Little Gear Stick (the One In Front Of The Auto Box Stick) In Neutral Then Put The Auto Box Stick In Drive Nothing Happens The Rr Doesn't Move But If I Put The Little Stick In High Or Low Then Move The Auto Box Stick Into Drive It Moves Have I Got A Problem Or Should The Little Stick Be Left In The High Gear Position While Driving On The Road. Please Help Me Someone As Its Not Easy Being A First Time Range Rover Noggin.
hello bacon, high is for high drive and low for low drive. the small stick, as you put it, is connected to a transfer box which is independant to the auto box. the tranfer box is a gearbox in it's own right and has to have a neutral to pass through otherwise the box would lock up whilst transfering from high to low, it's just a point of design. defender transfer boxes have diff locks in them as well, which is also selectable, just to confuse the new owner. you'll soon learn what it's all about!!!!

Hi Bacon.

Welcome to the site.

The transfer box stick should be left in the high position for general driving. Only need low for off road where more control is needed.
Thanks Andyr and fitz, feel like a right pratt but like you say I will get the hang of it. Thanks again

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