jean ingo

Hello Folks

I need an advise regarding an RR4. 2 sc offer I got. There is a gearbox issue no gears and when go into R there is a crunch sound Ive heard it could be a sline drive shaft or gearbox self problem.Whats is a spline drive shaft what have to replace in this case only the wheel drive shaft? And what could be the issue related to the gearbox is that a lot of work to replace the gearbox or drive shaft?

Many thanks for any info

Jean ingo

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  • VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada

  • The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo

Hello Folks

I need an advise regarding an RR4. 2 sc offer I got. There is a gearbox issue no gears and when go into R there is a crunch sound Ive heard it could be a sline drive shaft or gearbox self problem.Whats is a spline drive shaft what have to replace in this case only the wheel drive shaft? And what could be the issue related to the gearbox is that a lot of work to replace the gearbox or drive shaft?

Many thanks for any info

Jean ingo

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  • VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada

  • The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo
Have it checked thoroughly before putting your hand on your wallet. Misdiagnosis costs a fortune:eek:
Walk run away as fast as you can. Even if you swop the gearbox you need special diag to get it to work on another car.
There was a post like this befour,,,,Was it a busted cv joint in a front hub or something ,anyway ,,Do any of the drive shafts move when in gear :eek:..
Most likely the gearbox rather than driveshaft. The previous ownernof my 08 SC had to replace the gearbox. $8,500 at an independant shop. Probably cost a lot more at a dealership. I believe the independant did send the car to a dealer for programing for a few hundred dollars.

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