
New Member
Hey, hope someone could point me in the right direction here. Currently got a fault on my 06 td4 fl1 where it's fine driving normally but if I give it too much throttle in to high of a gear or come up to a hill in the wrong gear it will put a light on the dash(engine light with an explanation mark in it) and the whole car will start running really rough, have no power and throws white smoke out the back. As soon as I turn it off and on again it's absolutely fine though. I've tried a couple of basic code readers on it but neither have found anything and I've already replaced the filter and lpfp.
You need to run a diagnostic on the live data for the low pressure fuel pump. The pressure needs to be maintained above 300kPa at full power, if not, then the LP pump is suspect.
You need to run a diagnostic on the live data for the low pressure fuel pump. The pressure needs to be maintained above 300kPa at full power, if not, then the LP pump is suspect.
I've already swapped the lpfp out as that was my first suspicion when the fault started but made no change. I've tried a few code readers of my own and friends ones but none want to communicate properly with it, any recommendations on a reader that will work and not break the bank?
comes across like it could be a failing injector .. [ rough running ]
i.e. causing a drop of high fuel pressure .. when pressure is demanded.
and the injection process is not what it should be causing the white smoke
[ i.e. unburnt fuel ]
might be an idea to do an injector leak back test.
the fuel-rail-sensor is another thing to look at.
make sure the plug/socket pins are clean and free of corrosion.
"As soon as I turn it off and on again it's absolutely fine though"
that'll be the ecu resetting a fault code .. probably.
i had a h.p. pump fail to supply enough pressure on demand.
the engine would go into limp-mode when more fuel pressure was asked of it.
turning the engine off for a few minutes would reset everything.
found out i could clear the code .. with a diagnostic tool [hawkeye],
whilst the engine were running, was ok untill pressure was demanded again.
fault turned out to be a worn out h.p. pump due to water-in-fuel.
[ were no white-smoke or rough running .. just a loss of power ]
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