
New Member
hey guys im in need of help
been working on a friends late s2 2.25 petrol
just latelly its been running lumpy (not missfie)
today we changed the points, condensor, cap, arm and plugs. we checked and adjusted the ignition timing with a strobe.
striped down the carb and cleaned out all the crap inside as well as cleaning the jets.
now its running ok but still lumpy im thinking wear in the carb which is causing a poor mixture and therefore lumpy running
what are your feelings about it ? does it sound like a good way to go
does the throttle butterfly shaft have any play on it,it usually wears in the carb body if so you cant get the mixture consistent and it plays havoc with the carburation.the only cure is to rebush the body of the carb or replace it a lot of owners swear by weber carbs on a series but ive no experience myself.....hope this helps...dave
my mate took it to dunsfold and they put a new carb on it
sure enough sorted
i was sure that was the fault but without another to try it was a big gamble to just go for it

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