EEYUP 08 you can jack the body up a bit to get enough clearence to clear the crossmember,,,,cut the oldun off ,clean up the chassis wiv your grinder so the new legs will go over,,slide it on ,let the body down,get it parallel,,,then weld up ,,,you will need new top spring hanger mounts cos they are cheap,,,dont bother trying to save the olduns(to much work),,get the bottom of the tub parallel wiv the rails ,you can even put the bolts back in under the door that way everything is square and weld up,,the only bit that will give u trouble is weldin the top off the chassis,just do the rest,jack the body up again to give you a bit off clearance,,,,sorted,,,,your spring hangers go over the chassis make sure u getem in the right place weld there you go good as new,,i did mine in a day outside no bother,,,,,you should be ok mate providing it dont rain off course,,,,,,,,,hope this helps dave