
New Member
I quite often stand on the roof of my 110 for taking photography (landscapes etc). But doing that does obviously damage the roof (OK the car has quite a few dignity dents already, but I don't want to actually fall through the roof). What's the best way of strengthening it? i know some of you have an irrational hatred of chequer plate - but surely if it is actually the best thing for the job then why not?
wel the only thing i can think of would be a roof-rack, one of the old brownchurch variety would give you acess to all the 'corners' of the roof. Ross ;)
Depends on your weight I suppose.

I would put few stengthening bars in the inside, nothing some steel and rivets couldn't fix. The chequer plate is a good idea, but its a close fit, so its still transferrring most of the weight to the original roof.

If you build in an extra 2 cross supports, that would give it some more strength. You might even be able to get some supports from an old roof, or scrappy.

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