Hi Guys

I want to get a roof rack, I may get plain roof bars, but I do like the look of the bigger proper racks, (though not as keen on price)
But I wanted to know does anyone have any recommendations for a rack that is flat across, most seem to have a raised bar around the back or front or both, and I would want to be able to strap a surfboard or 2 to the roof and these raised bits don't work well for that.
On a side note how much extra do you think these roof racks add to the the mpg you get without do you think?
Good point that!
Defender 90 hard top- going on from what I mentioned as was hard to explain, but I guess the raised bar at the back wouldn't be an issue as long as was open at the front!
you could always try and find a local metalworker/welder who could build you a customised rack to hold the things you want.
If you are going to keep it, stay away from powder coated roof racks, get galvanised if possible.

My genuines LR rr is rotting away !
I just bought a couple of Thule roof bars for my 110 off eBay. £36, can't go wrong at that price......
Hannibal is the best flat across as its designed to hold tents which fold over, it has a lip you can add but you don't need to add this and can leave it off.(handful of bolts). its also the lightest as its aircraft grade aluminum, I could lift mine 1 handed onto the roof. They also have continuous guttering support all the way around the vehicle to spread the weight.

But they are pricey and a new one will set you back probably well over 1000 now..

Hi Guys

I want to get a roof rack, I may get plain roof bars, but I do like the look of the bigger proper racks, (though not as keen on price)
But I wanted to know does anyone have any recommendations for a rack that is flat across, most seem to have a raised bar around the back or front or both, and I would want to be able to strap a surfboard or 2 to the roof and these raised bits don't work well for that.
On a side note how much extra do you think these roof racks add to the the mpg you get without do you think?
Ah, sir, you need a Front Runner Roof Rack...


See... surfboard... :)

mpg wise, i took mine off for a few weeks, it made next to no difference what so ever.

Oh did i mention i can get you discount on Front Runner racks? ;)

And Front Runner racks are also all aluminium so very light weight. They are compariable to the Hannibal ones and are at the top of the market
Great answers thanks people.
James that looks great.
Bump- how much of a discount we talking here ?;) what's the website to have a look?
try direct 4x4 , they sell a roof rack with a raised section around the front quarter and the rest is flat, just bought one to go with their roof tent and very impressed, call em for a better deal than listed on the site

Cheers Steve
I was looking at the Direct 4x4 Titan Full roof for a Disco 2. It seems well priced but I can't find a review. Has anybody any experience of these?
Sorry, been off line for a bit, was thinking of the flat roof rack, wouldn't be needed to be massively heavy duty more for luggage and surfboards.

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