
New Member

Anyone know of someone in or near kent that does retrims to saggy roof linings?

Usual problem with mine but struggling to find a local solution.

Thanks all.

We did ours ourself, get a kit off ebay for £59 pull the old one out and then pull off the lining with a wire brush remove the old foam, clean it then glue the new lining to the roof. I apend ages trying to find someone to do mine and in the end we did it in a couple of hours.
Did ours it was great until the weather got hot , then it all fell off :(

Top tip ........Use the propper high temp glue
I did mine 6 months ago. Material and high temp glue off eBay. Spend s little time watching the videos on you tube. Just remember to work quickly when gluingvthe material. Took aboutv6 hours including the stripping out and refix but very,very satisfying!
Just remove the fabric , clean off the foam underneath (an old nail brush is good) and hoover it with one of those bristle attachments for the vac, then paint it with rattle cans. I started off with cheap arse pound land primer and liked the colour so left it as it was in grey primer.
I think they're very stingey on how much they actually put in poundland rattle cans though, probably better off buying a better paint in a bigger size :)
Just done mine in the last week or so - painted it in homebase emulsion - silver mist, dregs of what was left from painting the hall.

Looks silvery/grey white in landy, looks like very light blue/slivery in hallway - go figure!!

I used the head of a broom to clean off the evil orange foam/stickiness - one with green plastic bristles, pretty stiff but with just the right amount of 'give' if you get me!!

Took a few hours on a bright, sunny with a slight breezy day. Did it on me lonesome including stripping the interior and getting it out of the disco. I put it back in slightly damp as I figured it would be a bit more pliable - now I have the odd dusty/grubby finger/hand print on my headlining - but it shows it were done by me own cackhanded paws!!

I may even change the colour and go for a more grey colour - depends what I find on me next DIY store outing fer a few quid!
I know a 90 is much simpler but I bought some big rolls of soundproof carpet from the LRO show for a good price, got out the knife and some high temp glue and it looks great.

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