
Well-Known Member

Ive been recomended a website for roll cages, Saftey Devices, and ive found the cage im looking for :D ; but i have no idea where to go now, nor do i have any idea of what sort of price to expect. Its a full external NAS spec. cage if that means anything to anyone... Could somone tell me what sort of price to expect, or if theres such thing as used roll cages? :rolleyes:

Thanks, Richard.
If you are looking for a roll cage you might like to try try the following two links.


North OffRoad

I believe both have been featured in the LR Comics recently. Evans seem very well respected, I've had one fitted by North Offroad and can recommend them highly, top bloke.

Woods, I've just re-read your post :confused: , sorry for only half an answer.

For a full cage as you describe your unlikely to get a lot of change out of £1.5 - £2k, mebbe enough for a bag of chips. :eek:

Errrr... "used" roll cages ........... not a big market :rolleyes:

You'll get the odd one stripped off a motor and offered for sale but in fairness they are all pretty much individual, wouldn't hold your breath whilst waiting for a second hand NAS Cage ;)


I paid £3200 for mine... that included fitting from safty devices.
Very pleased with the job though... you can see it in my gallery.
Ok thanks, I've found an appropriet cage now with an estimate quote of £700, which isnt bad for a six point full cage; however I will have to fit it myself. On a compleatly unrelated matter, how many MPG should I expect from my 110 Turbo Diesel (1990), because Ive heard that the 200 TDI can do up to 30mpg. Should I be getting a similar figour?
Erm....yea....I've seen videos of them going over sideways, but backwards!?! You've scared me now, I dont think I'll look at those seep rutty bits in the same way again...

Regularly get 30Mpg out of my 90 200TDI 1990, just dont go above 60 to often. ;)

Keep wondering why the others drivers keep saying get off the road grandad but thats another story.:D

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