
Active Member
Hi All,
I’m back with another question / bit of advice please! :)
RE 2.25 petrol engine in my 90!
Just put my cylinder head back on with a new gasket.
Put the rocker on and tightened it all up as per the book.
THEN i notice I had forgot to put the splash plate and locating screw in the rocker assembly! :-/
I could not get the locating screw in. So I just took the rocker off, got the screw and plate on and put it back on and torqued it (the rocker and associated bolts) up again.

My question is! Is this ok to take off the rocker assembly on its own? or should I have taken the whole head off again and put a new gasket on and torqued everything up again in the correct order?

Does that make sense? Don’t want to mess it up! Hopefully someone can tell me it will all be ok!!!!!:)

Many thanks,

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