
New Member
Hi i currently have AT tyres on my discovery but was planning to change to road tyres to try and increase my Mpg would the change make much differance as dirt tracks are as much offroad that my Disco sees and any thing serious i just use the farm 4x4. I got a good price for Enduro HT £57 each corner fully fitted if i decied to change. Any thoughts most welcome.

Regards Kev.:confused:
if you only go on dirt tracks and yer have access to another 4x4 and yer that worried about MPG you considering a tyre change , then sell yer disco and buy a saxo
Thanks for the constructive help. I hadn't look at it that way before. Sometimes it helps to have someone else look at your problem from a different point of view. (you're a genius)
Bahaha. True though. Do you need a disco? Bit of a guzzler anyway if yer not using it for anythin in particular.
careful lad or you end up being called a body part. perhaps he could make a list and you get to chose the one you'd like to be called. perhaps you'd like to be an 'ear' or maybe a 'big toe'?

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