
New Member
this new 4x4 tax .if i took my front propshaft off will they let me pay normal tax lol.really i just think its victimisation as most mpv,s the same size n some how i dont think 4x4 cars wear the road out quicker thanks :mad:
If it works the same as trucks then you should add another set of wheels, as you will get charged less for putting less weight on the road per wheel, so causing less wear.
jay-jay said:
from what ive read in papers the tax will only affect new 4x4s not exsisting ones

If thats true, and its not owner specific, that means our 4x4's will surely rocket in price?
For £35.00 per year extra I don't care. After all, the Disco drinks more than that per hour!
yes the piper cheiftain does 32 gals per hour too ,,,,,,
Typical does this tax apply in rural areas as well as looking at tescos car park lately about 5 % of the collection is either a defender or a discovery with the odd Toyota Shogun and a Ceyyanne ( but he can get stuffed cos he it just posing ) bloody posche 4x4 how naff is that !!!!
tee hee hee i don't pay road tax and the roads are empty.;just covered 80 miles from airport to me door in one hour 10 mins and that included a pee stop. and all without thrashing it. oh! the joys of the open road!!
What annoys me the most about this price hike is that they say they are introducing it cos our 4x4's arent eco-friendly. But if we burn more fuel per mile we are paying more duty to the coffers as we buy more fuel!
So in effect this increase means we will be getting a double tax hit!
Did I hear that right? The only increase is for New gas guzzlers with over 250g co2/km? So its the fastards of this land that will get hit for a change? so good ol td5 is safe from more tax!!? wehay and whoopee do! now just make diesel cheaper and were away!

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